
buildings and structures by location معنى

  • مبان ومنشآت حسب الموقع
  • buildings    أبني; ابني; المبان ...
  • buildings and structures    مبان ومنشآت
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • structures    أبني; ابني; التراك ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • location    n. مركز, موقع, مكا ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. buildings and structures by english architects معنى
  2. buildings and structures by former country معنى
  3. buildings and structures by former use معنى
  4. buildings and structures by german architects معنى
  5. buildings and structures by heritage register and type معنى
  6. buildings and structures by millennium of completion معنى
  7. buildings and structures by organization معنى
  8. buildings and structures by period معنى
  9. buildings and structures by region معنى
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